Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Guess Now It's Official...

Tonight's the night! And as the Black Eyed Peas would probably say, let's live it up. I leave American soil in exactly seven hours and I guess right now I'm about 70% pure excitement, 15% nervous, and 15% sad to leave my friends here in New York. Yesterday was amazing - I spent time in the city and got to enjoy lunch, drinks, dinner, and karaoke with some of the crew before heading to London. My love for karaoke knows no bounds, and can only be constrained by my incredibly weak upper range and my inability to hit the high notes in Whitney Houston songs. Leaving was pretty tough, not gonna lie - I hugged everyone probably three times and maybe shed a tear or two on the bus back to Jersey. No worries though - someone recently said to me that moving around keeps everything beautiful, and I know that coming back to New York and my friends in June is going to make me appreciate it so much more.

But until then - EUROPE! Here are some of my goals for the next five months of my life:

-See London. ALL OF IT. I want to know it like the back of my hand.
-Travel to ten different countries. On my short list: France, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Switzerland, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Greece. Wow. Not so short, I guess.
-Travel to both Asia AND Africa. This is a subgoal under my new life goal of hitting all seven continents. That'll be four, with Australia, South America, and Antarctica left.
-Eat something I would never usually eat as often as I can. If my week in Belize last year taught me anything, it was the importance of fully immersing yourself in the culture, and cuisine is one of the easiest and most memorable access points.
-Ski in the Swiss Alps.
-Sky dive somewhere. (Dear Mom and Dad, please don't read the previous sentence)
-Swim in the Mediterranean.
-Get lost. (This may sound weird, but I don't get lost. I've never gotten lost. Not even in New York. There's something about not knowing exactly where you are and having to find your way back that I find awesome. Of course, it should be noted that I hope to get lost in London or Paris, somewhere safe, not in some heroin czar's subterranean sex dungeon) (Dear Mom and Dad, please don't read the previous sentence)
-Embrace the unknown and do everything new that I can.
-Keep in touch with everyone back home.

That's just a few of the many thing I plan to accomplish in the next five months. Keep coming back here, this is the place where I will be sharing pictures, memories, and stories - comments are always great, let me know if you want to see anything or for me to buy you some European souvenirs! Cheers, mates!

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